2014 Postals Rates and what that means for you

You may think twice next time you walk past a penny on the ground.  For most a few pennies isn’t much.  In fact many people believe that the dime is the new penny and won’t bother to pick one up if they dropped it.  But for all of us those pennies can add up.  Last Sunday the USPS officially raised the cost of a stamp $0.03 which works out to an increase of approximately 6%. The USPS anticipates this will increase the USPS revenue $2.6 Billion dollars.  That’s a lot of pennies.  260 billion pennies for those keeping track.

So what does that mean for companies marketing with direct mail?  It means marketing planning is that much more important.  Your marketing budgets probably didn’t go up by 6% so you need to make sure you are sending the right message to the right people.  Look closely at your demographics and identify your best opportunity for success.  Find out who your current customers are and see what they have in common.  Then use demographic indicates to find more people like that.  If your not sure.  Find a marketing company that can help you get started.  Direct mail is still one of the best ways to advertise and is a great way to send a target message to potential customer.  And that’s our 2 cents.


You need a doctor

You Need a Doctor


You Need a Doctor

I recently heard an interesting perspective from one of our partners that really struck a chord with me. He told me that if you get hurt or have a challenge that many times people will try to fix it themselves. This works for things like cuts and scrapes, but when it comes to key challenges like a broken leg or torn muscle, a band-aid won’t fix your problem. The pain will continue and in many cases get worse. That’s when you need to consult a specialist or a doctor. They are experts in their field and know what to do to get you healthy. It’s where they are focused and they can help you get back on track quickly.

To really grow and be effective you need a specialist that can help guide you.

The same is true for marketing. It’s an area in your business that you can do yourself but that will only get you to a certain point. To really grow and be effective you need a specialist that can help guide you. We all know that marketing is important, but many times it’s given band-aid status. Don’t let this happen to your business. Look for marketing experts that are focused in their field. Look for companies that have invested in their business to help your business grow. Even, if your marketing plan isn’t broken.

The Count Down Is On!

The Count Down is on!  And no it’s not the count down for the NBA Season or even Christmas.  It’s the countdown to Black Friday.  I’m sure you have already seen the news articles and reports talking about stores opening earlier than ever but what does this mean for you?  It means there is a very important change in consumer buying behavior that is about to happen.  Customers go from being shoppers to buyers and competition for their attention will be greater than ever.  That means that now is the time to start planning how you will get your message to your potential customers.  Just being open is not enough.  You still have time to put together a plan but don’t blink because it will be here before you know it.  Get started today.